The Return of the Atlantean Light Masters
Millenniums have passed ... since the high culture of Atlantis sank with a catastrophy through power abuse of some corrupt scientists.
All humans of that time, who also experienced the descent into the dark age, are being reincarnated today.
The thrilling documentation shows the return of the atlantean lightchildren and allows deep insight into the role of the light workers and brotherhoods of atlantis.
It shows why some souls reincarnate today, and act as environmental protectionists, therapists, artists, esoterics etc. for the healing of earth.
Addresses also the Space Brotherhood events - 11.11 - the hollow earth, Shambhala and Agartha.
The majority of researchers who dedicate their time to the mystery of Atlantis come to conclude that the kings and masters of Atlantis were the later gods of antiquity in Egypt, Greece, America and northern Europe. This conclusion is based on the assertion that the primeval tribes were so filled with amazement at the abilities of the Atlantean refugees that they regarded and accepted them as divinity.

Poseidon, another son of Rhea and Cronus, ruled over the sea and the ocean. Poseidon was referred to by the Romans as Neptune and maintained his independence from Zeus. Poseidon was married to Amphitrite who was a nereid. When the Athenians made Athena their deity, Poseidon flooded the city and the surrounding land.
In Greek mythology, Atlas was the son of Iapetus and the nymph Clymene, and was said to carry the world upon his shoulders. When he fought against Zeus with the older divine Titans, he was made to carry the globe as a punishment.
Moreover, Atlas kept watch over the divine fruit in the west, at the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Some Greek sources report that he was a great astronomer and therefore carries the firmament with the twelve (12) signs of the zodiac on his shoulders.
Gaia was the earth and great mother that gave birth to the sky god Uranus. Cronus, the youngest son of Gaia, castrated Uranus, and as a result heaven and earth got separated.
The story about the separation of heaven and earth can also be found in Asiatic mythology. Moreover, the bible includes an altered version of the creation of the world, as well as its inundation with cataclysms and a massive global flood.
The writings of numerous classical philosophers include records of vanished islands and continents. In one of his most famous writings, "Critias", Plato reminds us that our earth has been witness to periodic cyclical cataclysms which often culminate in a total loss of civilization.

You and your fellow citizens are descended from the few survivors that remained, but you know nothing about it because so many succeeding generations left no record in writing. The change in the rising and setting of the sun and the other heavenly bodies, how in those times they used to set in the quarter where they now rise, and used to rise where they now set...
Of all the changes which take place in the heavens this reversal is the greatest and most complete ..There is at that time great destruction of animals in general, and only a small part of the human race survives." - Critias by Plato 360 B.C.E
Isocrates (436-338 BC), a Greek philosopher, held the view that Plato’s writings embody a derivation of the Egyptian state system. Poseidonius (135-51 BC), philosopher and intellectual leader of Cicero, claims that Plato is right.

These “Islands of the Blessed“ had mild seasons and were assumed to be the Elysian fields praised by Homer.
Homer (8th century BC), prior to Solon and Plato, writes in his “Odyssey“ about the island of Scheria in the western ocean. Scheria was home of the Phaeacians who had temples the walls of which were decorated with pure ore and the mouldings were made of blue steel.
The city’s core was surrounded by a circular wall and there were all sorts of fruit.
Moreover, the city had two springs – no doubt it was a wealthy land. In this section of the “Odyssey“ it is almost possible to reconcile the descriptions of the island of Scheria with Atlantis.

Diodorus Siculus (100 BC) writes about a war between the Amazons and a nation called “Atlantioi“ that was located a several days‘ journey from Libya.
This mighty empire was divided among the sons of Uranus, the most famous among them being Cronus. Furthermore, Siculus reports that this empire was very wealthy and also had mild climatic conditions. The empire was named after Atlas, the island’s highest mountain.
Crantor (330-275 BC) states that he saw the scrolls with the story of Atlantis. In addition, he says that other ancient witnesses also mention a huge continent situated in the Atlantic Ocean.
The capital of the island was named “Poseidonis“ after Poseidon, the god of the sea and patron of the Atlantic Ocean.
These various comments seem to resemble each other in many respects although they have different origins. In the Mediterranean area, in ancient Egypt, in Mesoamerica, in Mesopotamia – all over the world myths and legends of a sunken continent in the Atlantic Ocean are wide spread and plausable – just as the legend of Troy, as described by Homer in his “Odyssey“, became archeological reality. The very proof that Troy had been found and excavated by the pioneering German archaeologist Schliemann shows that there is substantial truth behind the ancient legends.
We should not allow political correctness to continue to replace scientific correctness, as seems to be the case in the post WW2 era, where Marxist ideology has replaced academic integrity in academia.
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