Masaru Emoto
It has been just 3 years since the scary huge earthquake, giant tsunami, and catastrophic nuclear disaster happened in Japan. We, Japanese people have received many a tremendous amount of support, words of encouragement and prayers from different people from different countries from around the world. I sincerely would like to thank everyone for all of heartfelt support from the bottom of my heart on behalf of local people in Tohoku.
There is a Japanese saying, “Three years on a stone” (meaning perseverance prevails). This means staying on a cold stone for a long time is very hard, but if one stays on the stone for 3 years, one will no longer feel hardship and suffering. Since we have been receiving a lot of support for the past 3 years, I believe we are now headed in the right direction.
Since the disaster, we became very worried about the worst case scenarios. The most worrisome thing that I feel everyone became so concerned with must be the health damages to the local children in Fukushima. For this great concern, our foundation the Emoto Peace Project has been distributing special HADO water to these children in Fukushima. The special HADO water called “Angel Water” has the HADO from love and gratitude to help neutralize radiation toxins. So far, we have only had the means to distribute 50,000 bottles. Even though our efforts have only had a marginal impact, it is the Hado from ‘Love and Gratitude’ in each bottle we give out that really can fill those with tenderness.
On a global scale, in the past 3 years, there has not been another disaster of the same size as Tohoku. I believe the reason for this is that people heart’s have connected all over the world, and we have come together recognizing the Tohoku Great Earthquake as entire global issue that all nations need to address together for the future of all living and planet Earth.
So let’s connect together. We still have many political issues, but in order to avoid these problems positively, we should recognize ourselves as an Earthian and do life activities as an Earthian.
The key word for our bright future is “Let’s fill the earth with love and gratitude” Please join us for this activity.
I will be explaining more about this topic on this website.
Thank you all very much.
Masaru Emoto
Emoto Peace Project
March 11th, 2014
Emoto Peace Project
March 11th, 2014
pensamentos ruins, palavras ofensivas, doenças, guerras, só o amor reinará !
Vá com Deus !
É de gente assim que Deus gosta !
to the Japanese people but on a routine basis send gratitude and love and I’m sorry please forgive us to the water still being polluted from power plant.